PCB Design



The output usually includes fabrication data such as Gerber files, drill and routing files and you will receive the schematic and the layout files.
We provide mechanical drawings and 3D representation of the artwork in STEP format for your mechanical check, to be sure that it fits the first time. All the components that we use in the PCB design include the mechanical information provided by the manufacturer and are checked by our engineers for the latest revisions any time we reuse the component. It is part of our commitment to quality.

Here is a list of the most usual output files we deliver at the end of a project:

  • gerber files
  • drill and routing files
  • IPC netlist
  • schematic file in the agreed EDA format
  • layout file in the agreed EDA format
  • assembly drawing
  • fab drawing
  • bill of materials in Excel format
  • mechanical drawing in DXF format
  • 3D mechanical drawing in STEP format